Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kids say some funny things.

S: "I want to kiss the zebra when we go to the zoo!"

Today we had the brilliant idea to go to the Zoo. It was dollar day so we figured it would be a good plan. We hadn't been since S was a baby.

So the day started out cloudy and somewhat cool. But the weather lady said it would be just mostly cloudy with a high of 78. Great! Shorts and t-shirts for the kiddos! I packed a picnic lunch so we don't have to spend any money out. We get the clan all ready and head out.

On our way (it takes about 45 minutes to get there) it starts to rain. Just great. We pray that it just blows pass. It stops raining before we get there. Awesome. Or so we thought. There are a ton of people there. No biggie. We park in the grass and head up to the zoo to meet out great friends there.

While we wait I nurse E. Then it starts to sprinkle, and it's so cool out I just know the kids will be too cold in their shorts. I knew I should have packed the jackets and put pants on them. So our friends get there. Then it starts to rain harder. Hubby buys some ponchos at the gift shop. I carry E in a front carrier and throw a poncho over both of us.

We see the flamingos, still raining.
About 20 minutes goes buy and its still raining. Everyone ends up in a poncho, even H. Then it starts to pour! Little E was sound asleep in the carrier (minus one sock that fell off somewhere, never to be found again).

So we rush through the park. No picnic for us today haha. No train ride.

I don't think weather people really know what they are talking about!

My friend offers to let us have a picnic at her house, so we all pack up (after seeing all we could see) and head over there. Still raining.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, and cookies for lunch. Then all the kids head upstairs to play.

So it wasn't a horrible day. I think the kiddos still had fun. We were just wet and sticky.

Note to self: Always over-pack. Bring it even if you think you won't use it, cause you never know. And never trust the weather people!

(oh and it's still raining and has rained non-stop!) Maybe next year!

The only picture I got today. Before the rain.

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