Friday, December 4, 2009


Check out this blog. I love reading it.


Donate! NOW! :) please...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Great giveaway!

On this blog, they are having a giveaway! Go check it out!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fun with the kids!

Look what the kids and I made! It was a little hard for them so I suggest this craft for kids ages 5 and up. You just need glass jars (I used canning jars), tissue paper or crepe paper, black construction paper and mod podge glue. We put Christmas lights in them but you could use the little tea lights that are battery operated. SO much fun!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sausage Rolls, YUM!!

Tonight I made sausage rolls. I really made them to freeze for breakfasts, but we ended up eating some of them for dinner. I mean, how could you not want to eat them fresh and hot out of the oven?

All it takes is 3 things. Sliced cheese, sausage, and giant crescent rolls.
Here you see the sausage I used.

Cut the sausage length-wise, then cut them the length you want. Depending on how much you want in the roll itself. Unroll one of the rolls.

Place a piece of sausage on the wide end and then place half a piece of cheese on top.

Start rolling...

Roll all the way up and then fold over the tail. I started to fold the tail in first though. Just made it easier.
Pinch all the open ends closed.

Lay on a baking sheet.

Cook as directed on the crescent roll container.VIOLA! Yummy sausage rolls.

So good, and all my kids liked them, even super picky S.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Perfect use for old containers.

So I always keep the containers from cottage cheese, sour cream or any other like container. We go through them fast tho.

One great use is for popcorn! The kids love having their own bowls. YUM!
(H isn't pictured because she just had a regular old bowl this time.)

Getting so big!

My baby is getting soooo big.
The other day I had to put away all her little 0-3 months clothing and pull out the 3-6 months clothing. And sadly it all fits her sooo well. She is a chunker. I weighed her last week and she was up to 13 lbs at 6 weeks. So I am going to weigh her again this weekend and see how much she weighs. She is 7 weeks old today. Time is going by way to fast. It's sad really. Yet exciting to know within the next year she will be learning so much. So many emotions.

Here she is! Smiles and all! (btw she has been smiling since she was 5 days old!) And now she is starting to coo and talk to us. SO cute!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kids say some funny things.

S: "I want to kiss the zebra when we go to the zoo!"

Today we had the brilliant idea to go to the Zoo. It was dollar day so we figured it would be a good plan. We hadn't been since S was a baby.

So the day started out cloudy and somewhat cool. But the weather lady said it would be just mostly cloudy with a high of 78. Great! Shorts and t-shirts for the kiddos! I packed a picnic lunch so we don't have to spend any money out. We get the clan all ready and head out.

On our way (it takes about 45 minutes to get there) it starts to rain. Just great. We pray that it just blows pass. It stops raining before we get there. Awesome. Or so we thought. There are a ton of people there. No biggie. We park in the grass and head up to the zoo to meet out great friends there.

While we wait I nurse E. Then it starts to sprinkle, and it's so cool out I just know the kids will be too cold in their shorts. I knew I should have packed the jackets and put pants on them. So our friends get there. Then it starts to rain harder. Hubby buys some ponchos at the gift shop. I carry E in a front carrier and throw a poncho over both of us.

We see the flamingos, still raining.
About 20 minutes goes buy and its still raining. Everyone ends up in a poncho, even H. Then it starts to pour! Little E was sound asleep in the carrier (minus one sock that fell off somewhere, never to be found again).

So we rush through the park. No picnic for us today haha. No train ride.

I don't think weather people really know what they are talking about!

My friend offers to let us have a picnic at her house, so we all pack up (after seeing all we could see) and head over there. Still raining.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, and cookies for lunch. Then all the kids head upstairs to play.

So it wasn't a horrible day. I think the kiddos still had fun. We were just wet and sticky.

Note to self: Always over-pack. Bring it even if you think you won't use it, cause you never know. And never trust the weather people!

(oh and it's still raining and has rained non-stop!) Maybe next year!

The only picture I got today. Before the rain.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dirty DVD's

Hannah: Mom the Lady and the Tramp dvd won't play.
Me: Here let me see......

Well could it be from all th fingerprints and sticky goo on the back?
Nothing a little spit and t-shirt can't fix.

Hannah: Did ya get it clean?
Me: Yes Hannah, there ya go.

And all is well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cloth diapering!

I just got back into cloth diapering O and plan on doing it with the new baby E. I really want to try the Gro Baby diapers! they are super cute!